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Box TopsCongratulations Team Browning! We had 13,544 regular and 1,956 bonus Box Top$ for a grand total of 15,500 Box Top$!   

 Thanks to all the parents, teachers, students, and stafffor participating and supporting the Browning PTA in this endeavor.  We could not raise these funds without you!  Our PTA will receive a check for $1550.00 because of your efforts which will help fund field trips, on-site learning exeriences, & other items not covered under the district budget!  Yea!

Congratulations also to the top three classrooms that have won the pizza party contest!  

  • Mrs. Johnston -2,022 Box Top$
  • Mr. Scott - 1,889 Box Top$
  • Mrs. Westman - 1,648 Box Top$

We will be holding another box top contest in March, so keep clipping and collecting those Box Top$.  Our goal for the year is $2,500.  Any volunteers interested in trimming/counting/packaging Box Top$ can email me for the March contest counting at [email protected].  

Please visit www.boxtops4education.com for additional ideas for earning e-Box Top$ and Bonus Box Top$.  The bonus Box Top$ really add up quickly in addition to the individual ones that are clipped.  Many new stores have been added to help accumulate bonus Box Top$ quicker.  Meijer bonus Box Top$ really made a difference in this contest.

Thanks again for all your time and effort in raising money for our kids and school!

Brenda Cox – Browning PTA BoxTop$ Chairperson

586-566-5652 or [email protected]