
Archive for May, 2011

Community/Parent Survey for Browning Elementary

Dear Browning the Best Community,

 I have created a parent survey in order to gather data regarding Browning Elementary.  I will be looking at the results of this data to help me complete a report due to the state of Michigan.  I kindly ask you to take a minute and complete the survey. The survey results will provide information to help me better service the Browning Elementary Community. I will be closing the survey window at 8:00 am on Friday, May 20th.  If you could complete the survey before Friday, I would greatly appreciate it! 

 The website address is:

 Thank you in advance for your feedback and time.

 Mrs. Hassell

 Browning’s Proud Principal

2nd Annual Browning PTA Golf Outing

ALL PROCEEDS DEDICATED FOR  NEW PLAY STRUCTURE(S) AT BROWNING!  It is our goal to provide outdoor learning environments for our students, staff, & families to enjoy  (i.e. gardens, play structures, fitness equipment, and much more.)

Sponsored by Browning PTA

Many thanks to Brad Glonka for chairing this year’s Golf Outing at Cracklewood Golf Club on Sunday, May 22nd and everyone who came out for a great day!  The weather was perfect!  All proceeds are dedicated for new play structures at Browning!  Once again, Lisa Williams graciously solicited donations for prizes which were much appreciated.