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Browning PTA Fun Fair

Friday June 1st from 6-9 PM Rain or Shine
Browning Elementary School and Grounds
Hope to see you there!

Take the night off! Don’t bother cooking!

Yummy pizza, pop, popcorn, etc. available for purchase in gym!

Tickets for Inflatable Slide, Airbrush Tatoo, games of skill and chance, etc.

available at the front and back doors:

Only 25 cents per ticket!

20 for $5 or 45 for $10 (BEST VALUE – 5 free tickets)

Prizes awarded at each game! Every play a winner!

Please note:  Games will run 6-8:30PM (or until prizes run out)

$$ RAFFLE 1st-$500, 2nd -$250, 3rd-$100, 4th-$100, 5th-$50

Winners Announced in Gym at 8:30 – Tickets only $1 Need not be present to win!

7 Grade Level Theme Baskets Raffle

Winners announced in the Gym at 8:45 pm - Tickets are only 50 cents each.  Need not be present to win!

We’re less than 24 hours away from the big event & many, many volunteers are still needed!
Parents, Grandparents, Teenagers (great opportunity for community service hours,) etc. are welcome to help!
If each family signed up for at least one shift, we’d have plenty of coverage.  It takes a village!
Together, we can ensure this evening a lot of FUN!  What a great way to kick off year end festivities!
Please consider working at least one shift (your child is welcome to work with you).
Set up (5pm-6pm)
Clean up (8:30pm-9:00pm) or (9:00pm – 9:30pm)
Games, tattoos, dunk tank, general helper (30 minute shifts from 6:00 – 8:30)
For easy, online volunteer signup visit http://www.mysignup.com/browningfunfair
To sign up by email, please contact [email protected]
Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated!
For more information, please visit the Browning PTA Web site at browningpta.org.
Please contact our “Browning the Best” FUN FAIR Chairperson/SuperWoman Jill de Jesus [email protected].
Proceeds from the Fun Fair defray the cost of field trips, classroom supplies, playground equipment, and special events for all children at Browning Elementary.