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Community/Parent Survey for Browning Elementary

Dear Browning the Best Community,

 I have created a parent survey in order to gather data regarding Browning Elementary.  I will be looking at the results of this data to help me complete a report due to the state of Michigan.  I kindly ask you to take a minute and complete the survey. The survey results will provide information to help me better service the Browning Elementary Community. I will be closing the survey window at 8:00 am on Friday, May 20th.  If you could complete the survey before Friday, I would greatly appreciate it! 

 The website address is:  https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGNmemJjZE1xY0hQVDYwZHhqbktSRlE6MQ

 Thank you in advance for your feedback and time.

 Mrs. Hassell

 Browning’s Proud Principal