ADVENTURES IN ART Presenters Desperately Needed!
We are delighted to have Mrs. Vaishali Mahimkar back as Browning’s “Adventures in Art” Coordinator again this year. This PTA sponsored, nationally endorsed volunteer program helps bring art into the classroom.
Each year, adult volunteers present an artist or type of art to as many classrooms that they can. It takes only about 30 minutes per class to talk with the students about the chosen subject. At the end of the school year, the students select their favorite print. It is purchased, framed, and hung on the walls at school compliments of the PTA for all to enjoy. A lot of the artwork that is currently displayed throughout Browning are prints chosen by students from previous years.
Many, many volunteers are needed!!!! If you or a family member (grandparent, high school or college student, etc) would like to volunteer or receive more information, please send in a note to the Browning office (Attn: PTA Adventures in Art Chairperson) or contact Mrs. Mahimkar at [email protected]. This fun art enrichment program benefits our students and, ultimately, you as well!
As always, your support is greatly appreciated!