The opportunities that we provide for our students cannot take place without volunteers. There are a variety of ways you can contribute from small tasks to large ones. Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.
Help is desperately needed for the following initiatives/events:
- Health & Wellness Committee (Kick-Off Meeting is Oct. 7th from 4-5pm in Media Center)
- Recycling Club Sponsor
- Restaurant Night Chairperson
- Adventures in Art Presenters
- Go Green Night Chairperson
- Golf Outing Chairperson (proceeds to benefit Playground Structure Fund)
- Playground Structure Chairperson
- National Junior Honor Society Sponsor
- General Event Volunteers
If you are interested in volunteering, chairing an event, have an idea to share, or would like more information, please send one of our parent leaders an email or sign up by clicking http://browningpta.org/volunteering/volunteers-needed/ & entering your contact info.